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The source of one of the most fundamental ways the body manages itself DOES NOT come from a particular gland or the brain, but from the food we eat.

A cell membrane is composed of fats. When a hormone from a gland hits the membrane, it triggers an enzyme to turn some of the membrane fat into prostaglandins. The prostaglandins in turn, stimulate or inhibit the activity of the cell, acting as an ON/OFF switch.

Our body can make many different types of prostaglandins and each one can dramatically alter their effect on the body. What determines the type and structure of prostaglandins the body produces is the fat found in the membrane.

Like many things in life, there is both good and bad in prostaglandins: The ‘good ones’ help regulate the body in homeostasis, while the ‘bad ones’ wreak havoc on cell regulation and function. The body needs the proper fats (essential fatty acids) within the cell membrane for prostaglandins to form. Essential fatty acids are not produced by the body and instead found in foods such Aztec Spirulina.

The body takes fatty acids from the Omega 6 and Omega 3 family and transmute them using enzymes into those powerful substances called prostaglandins. They have an enormous impact on our body that it is impossible to exaggerate their importance.

So what the body will do anywhere that need something done is take fatty acid, turn them into prostaglandins, have them do the work that needs to be done and then they leave. Which means that they short-lived.

Prostaglandins used in every cell, tissue and organ in the body to regulate and control even down to the cellular level, like moving calcium in and out of the cells. They have so much responsibility that scientists are still uncovering their functions, to the point where they are now referring to fat as an endocrine (hormone) gland.

Prostaglandins are used in every tissue and organ in the body to regulate and control, even down to the cellular level, like moving calcium in and out of the cells. They have so much responsibility that scientists are still uncovering their functions, to the point where they are now referring to fat as an endocrine (hormone) gland.

Prostaglandins are particularly useful in emergencies where the body needs something to happen fast and it doesn’t have time to wait for hormone to be circulated around in the blood. For example, if you get injured the body will take the fatty acids in the tissue that was affected, turn them into prostaglandins to provide the quick information it need to isolate the injury. Prostaglandins, are like hormones. But unlike hormones they don’t get secreted by the gland and then circulated in the blood. Prostaglandins are part of the body’s way of dealing with injury and illness. They get created on site where they are needed and they get created by Omega-3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

So think about how incredible that is. All the body requires is that we get a good balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 coming in so that it can use the prostaglandins to fine-tune the work that needs to be done.

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Fats and Other Lipids: The Good Fats that Heal

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Fats and Other Lipids: The Good Fats that Heal

Lipids are compounds that are insoluble in water but are soluble in organic solvents such as ether and chloroform. Lipids that are important to our discussion include fats and oils (triglycerides or triacylglycerol), fatty acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

Fats and oils are esters of glycerol and three fatty acids. They are important in the diet as energy sources and as sources of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which tend to associate with fats. They also contribute satiety, flavor, and palatability to the diet.

Not all fats are unhealthy. Omega-3 & Omega 6 fatty acids are the type of the good fats that heal. They are called “Essential Fatty Acids” (EFA) because the body cannot make them. They must be obtained from food. Unfortunately, these good fats that are among the most important nutrients, are lacking in everyone’s diet today. AZtec Spirulina is a good source and offers a promising amount of these two essential fatty acids.

Omega 6 from AZtec Spirulina gives an impressive amount of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Aside from human breast milk and evening primrose oil, spirulina is the only food source rich in gamma linoleic acid (GLA). The GLA content comprises 25% of the total polyunsaturated fatty acid content of spirulina, a number that is much higher than the GLA content of evening primrose oil (only 7%)!

New research reveals that gamma linolenic acid (GLA) has a disease-fighting power that can combat chronic inflammation, eczema, dermatitis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity—even cancer!

The two most potent omega-3 fatty acids are known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These fatty acids are essential nutrients and enter every cell membrane in the human body, serving as a cell lubricant, improving flexibility and communication between cells, and aiding cell metabolism and gene expression.

Omega-3 fatty acids can:

  • Feed the brain – DHA specifically plays a role in how well cells can communicate with each other; their actions may help support memory and promote cognitive health. All infant formula is now supplemented with DHA.
  • Help lower risk of heart disease (as part of a healthy lifestyle).
  • Help lower triglyceride levels (as part of a healthy lifestyle).
  • Help support memory.
  • Support eye health and help reduce the risk for age-related vision problems.


Whether you are interested in promoting heart health, ensuring the proper growth and development of your child, or relieving pain, adequate intake of the essential fatty acids can help you achieve your goal. Adding Aztec Spirulina to your diet will allow you to obtain “the good fats that heal” for optimal health benefits.

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Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

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High Concentration of Essential Minerals

Most of us take our bodies for granted, but if you stop to think about it the human body performs amazing acts every day. The millions of tiny cells in your body require essential nutrient to grow, develop and work together in perfect harmony. These essential nutrients found in food are known as minerals. Minerals are inorganic substances, which occur naturally in non-living things such as water, rocks, and soil.

Plants and algae like spirulina absorb the minerals from the earth or from their habitat. Animals get their minerals by eating plants or by eating other animals that eat plants. Any living thing, human or animals, that eats plants or algae absorb the minerals present in that particular diet that they consume. On the other hand, minerals are being absorbed by humans when they eat animals that eat plants or simply by drinking water that contain minerals.

Essential as they are since your body cannot produce or manufacture a single mineral, different minerals are required in different amounts, but they are all important. Minerals are grouped depending on how much they are needed on a daily basis. The minerals that are needed in big amount daily are known as macro-minerals or major minerals. These are :

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • potassium,
  • chloride, and
  • sulfur

The minerals that are needed less and in smaller amounts are known as micro-minerals or trace elements. These are:

  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • copper,
  • iodine,
  • zinc,
  • cobalt,
  • fluoride, and
  • selenium

The difference between “just enough” and “too much” (which can end up harming you) of the Micro-minerals are often tiny. Generally, the food is a safe source of trace minerals. But if you take supplements, it is important to make sure you are not exceeding safe levels.

Minerals are basically the spark plugs of life, or keystones to our health. They are the catalysts that keep our “battery” going and hold its ‘charge.’  Minerals compose about 4% of the human body. Good soil is 45% minerals, yet our soils today are quite lacking due to synthetic fertilizers, mono-cropping and more. Minerals are what remain as ash when plant or animal tissues are burned (approximately 5 pounds from a cremated body). They come from the earth and will eventually return to the earth.

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. No mineral is used in isolation within the body. All minerals interact with other minerals, vitamins, enzymes and so on. It is overly naive to say that “iron builds rich blood” or “calcium makes strong bones.” For instance, copper must also be present for the iron to be used in blood-building. Likewise, a certain amount of phosphorus must also be present along with the calcium to build bones. However, it is also a fact that certain minerals are utilized by the body as nutrient for specific organs more so than other organs. Also, the body uses certain minerals in performing certain body functions. Nonetheless, in studying an individual mineral, keep in mind that it is only a part of a whole complex process.

Aztec Spirulina contains Macro-minerals and Micro-minerals (or Trace Minerals) absorbed from its growth into chelated minerals. Chelated minerals are minerals bound to a chelating agent, which is designed to enhance their absorption and boost your body’s assimilation of the mineral at hand. What is especially interesting about Aztec Spirulina’s mineral content is its richness in Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and Phosphorus.

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Amazing Collections of Vitamins

Protein Powerhouse

Nutritional Properties of Spirulina


Amazing collection of Vitamins

Vitamins do not share a common chemistry, but they do share certain characteristics. They are all nutrients that are necessary in small amounts for normal body functioning and good health. A well-balanced diet should provide most of the vitamins people need to stay healthy and prevent disease.

Unlike carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, vitamins are not sources of energy. Instead, vitamins are involved in the body’s metabolism, cell production, tissue repair, and other vital processes.

Vitamins are either Water Soluble or Fat Soluble 

There are nine watersoluble vitamins. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. The concentration of water soluble vitamins is regulated by the kidney. Any intake in excess of the body’s need is excreted in the urine. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly and are needed for good brain function. These essential nutrients help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy, keeping our bodies running like well-piled machines. They also help form red blood cells. 

Water-soluble vitamins are Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), Vitamin C.

Fat-soluble vitamins that are not used by your body gets deposited in the liver and fatty tissues. They wait around in your body fat until your body needs them. There are four of them fat soluble vitamins. These are: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

I am convinced by the scientific research and by my real-life experience that the only way to get your vitamins is to “let thy food be your medicine.” I do not care what any vitamin company or scientist has to say about laboratory made products, they are just chemicals. The only way to restore your healing energies is from magnificent nutrients that you can obtain only from nature “the way nature intended it”.

When you take vitamin supplements, you are taking risks with mixing and matching isolate and synthetic compounds that fall in the chemical category. You CANNOT sustain life eating multi-vitamins and minerals as supplements.

Furthermore: because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body for long periods, toxic level can build up. This is most likely to happen if you take supplements. It’s very rare to get too much of a vitamin or get overdose just from organic food like AZtec Spirulina.

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Protein Powerhouse

Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

Beware of FAKE Spirulina


Protein Powerhouse

Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are at least 20 identified amino acids, nine of which are essential yet cannot be produced or stored by the body; they must be obtained from the food that we eat. Non-essential amino acids are also needed, but the body can produce these itself. Essential amino acids and sufficient nitrogen obtained from our food are needed to synthesize the non-essential amino acids.

Unlike all the vegetables or other micro-organisms proposed as protein sources, Spirulina does not have cellulose in its cell wall, a feature that makes it an appropriate and important food for people with problems of poor intestinal absorption. Digestibility of its protein is 83-95% in ordinary dried spirulina, which makes it one of the most efficient sources of protein. Spirulina’s amino acids are delivered to the body for rapid absorption. That is one of the many reasons why we call AZtec spirulina an “extremely efficient food.”

Protein digestibility is important for many people and especially important for people suffering from intestinal malabsorption or digestive disorders. Older people typically have difficulty digesting complex proteins and may be on restricted diets. They will find AZtec spirulina protein an ideal way to ensure they receive the nourishment they need. AZtec spirulina is an effective supplement for those who suffer from malnutrition, diseases where the ability of the intestine to effectively absorb nutrients has been damaged. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective than milk powders because milk’s lactic acid can be difficult to absorb.

Spirulina has been used as food for centuries by different populations and only rediscovered in recent years. Its impressive protein content has attracted the attention of both researchers and industrialists alike. The protein content of spirulina varies from 50% to 70% of its dry weight. These levels are quite exceptional, even among microorganisms. However, AZtec Spirulina was able to produce 72% protein in dry weight, the highest amongst.

Amino Acids are molecular structures that work together to build proteins in the body. There are essential amino acids and non- essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids are essential not because they are more important for protein synthesis, but because the body does not synthesize them. Unfortunately, our body does not store amino acids in anticipation of replenishing deficient ones with succeeding meals. In the process of protein synthesis in the body’s repair and maintenance, all dietary protein factors must be present simultaneously, or the amino acids are wasted. Furthermore, even if complete protein is consumed, digestive difficulties can prevent assimilation of all needed elements. AZtec spirulina provides most of the required amino acids in a form that is much easier to digest than that of fish, eggs, meat or soy.

Nonessential amino acids are amino acids that can be produced in our body. These amino acids are normally non-essential, but becomes essential during times of physiological stress. When we are suffering from a moderate to severe chronic illness, cells lose the ability to manufacture enough non-essential amino acids and thus require supplementation. As long as you consume adequate levels of protein and carbohydrates each day, your cells will either have or make enough non-essential amino acids to support tissue growth and repair, immune function, red blood cell formation and hormone synthesis. Of the thousands of biochemical substances acting and interacting with the human body, not one is derived from a vacuum; the body is ultimately dependent upon nutrient intake for all of its functions.

Protein molecules are essential to us in an enormous variety of different ways. It is an important component of every cell in the body. In fact, hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses it to build and repair tissue. You need it to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. It is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Protein in AZtec spirulina being so complete is an ideal food source for people who suffer from malabsorption, people who are fighting cancer and cannot gain weight after or during chemo therapy treatment, people with high protein requirements like athletes, long distance runners and bikers, bodybuilders, and malnourished or frail people.

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Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

Cellular Level Wellness

Nutritional Properties of Spirulina


Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

The foods that we eat are the first line of defense against the negative effects of lifestyle, stress, pollution, radiation and toxic chemicals. In his book Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about the importance of eating nutrient-rich foods to maintain healthy weight, avoid or correct chronic and degenerative disease and maximize longevity.  Spirulina is perhaps the most nutritious food source known to humans and has been used all over the world for centuries for both its nutritional density and its medicinal qualities.  NASA has even been quoted to say, “the nutrition in 1 kg of spirulina is equivalent to the nutrition in 1,000 kg of fruits and vegetables”. And in the 1970’s the United Nations hailed spirulina as one of the “Greatest Superfoods on Earth” and the answer to world hunger. 

AZtec Spirulina is the easiest and fastest way to revitalize and supercharging your energy, without paying more. All you need to do is open the bottle or pouch, wobble a few into your mouth, swallow and you are done! Instant enduring energy that fills up your brain and body. Olympic Athletes and NASA astronauts had it in their diet for decades, it’s your turn now.

AZtec Spirulina is a Nutritional goldmine.  Normally when we consider a supplement we take one supplement to replace one nutrient, like Iron for iron, calcium for calcium. AZtec Spirulina is not a separated or isolated supplement.  AZtec Spirulina is not even a supplement, rather 100% food – not an ordinary food, mind you, but an extraordinary food. The task of AZtec Spirulina is to feed the cells of the body with required all natural nutrients. All the nutrients that the body need is all contained in that one capsule of high grade AZtec Spirulina.

Aztec Spirulina is great for everyone, from fitness enthusiasts to athletes, backpackers, career oriented people, students, party goers, senior citizens, teens and kids or even infants. Aztec Spirulina is a source of vitality and life energy, it will light up our life!

Benefits are so amazing that taken on a daily basis could restore and revitalize your health! Adding Aztec Spirulina to your diet will…

  • support your performance and energy level.
  • save money by not needing any other supplement.
  • with only Php12.oo per capsule you get all your daily nutrition needs met.
  • stop beating yourself up for not eating vegies.
  • boost your mental focus and have a healthy mindset.
  • have a guaranteed source of high grade complete protein always.
  • help you stay fit and beautifully healthy: look good and feel good.

It is low-cost and it stores well. It is a great addition to your diet (as well as your disaster kit) so stock up!

  1. Protein: needed for growth and maintenance.
  2. Vitamins: required by the body in small amounts for overall health.
  3. Minerals: needed also in small amounts for maximum health.
  4. Carbohydrates: fuel for the muscle and brain.
  5. Fats/Lipids: cushion for your vital organs.
  6. Phytonutrients: rainbow of nutrient.
  7. Nucleic acids: needed to store and transmit genetic information.
  8. Enzymes: speed up chemical reaction in a cell.

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Wonders of Spirulina

National Hypertension Awareness

Beware of FAKE Spirulina


Know Your Numbers – May is the National Hypertension Awareness Month

The No. 1 Contributing Risk Factor for global health is raised blood pressure – causing strokes, attacks, and other cardiovascular complications.
10 MILLION lives are lost each year needlessly due to elevated blood pressure.
ONLY HALF of people with high blood pressure know it. These deaths are PREVENTABLE………. And that’s the real tragedy.

Stroke and High Blood Pressure are two very common health-related conditions we here about in the news and in advertisements galore. Why is there so much focus on Stroke and High Blood Pressure? Because Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the top leading cause of mortality in the Philippines with high blood pressure as the leading cause of stroke. Additionally, a stroke happens every 40 seconds and every 4 minutes someone dies from a stroke while 80% of all strokes can be prevented.

The month of May is set aside to raise awareness about Stroke and High Blood Pressure so that Filipinos become more educated and can identify warning signs and symptoms.

It is very important for people with high blood pressure and hypertension to keep a check on their dietary habits. Eating foods that are good for high blood pressure may go a long way in managing the condition of hypertension. As per the researchers at the Mediterranean Neurological Institute in Pozzilli, Italy, eating spirulina – a superfood made from algae may help manage high blood pressure.

The study that was published in the journal Hypertension found that molecules in spirulina, when injected in body, stimulate a process that releases nitric oxide. This further trigger relaxation of the artery, which can help lower the blood pressure level by increasing the amount of blood pumped in one motion.

But that’s not it. Spirulina is packed with various nutrients like protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, along with various other minerals, which are good for managing blood pressure levels. Moreover, spirulina is extensively used in health supplements and beverages to manage various lifestyle diseases, including hay fever, PMS and diabetes. However, more research is needed into the potential of spirulina, but the findings are promising for the future of “natural” treatments for high blood pressure, the researchers noted.

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Fats and Other Lipids: The Good Fats that Heal

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A potent weapon vs. global warming

By Domingo Diaz Tapiador  | Updated December 16, 2007 – 12:00am

To curb global warming, three major international efforts have been manifested in 2007. They are (1) the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to former US Vice-President Al Gore, for his advocacy and efforts on climate change, (2) the planting of more than one billion trees in 2007, and (3) the Bali (Indonesia) International Conference of December 2007 to start a two-year negotiating process aimed at producing a treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) disclosed recently that the world has surpassed a UN goal of planting one billion trees in 2007, to help slow climate change, led by huge forestry projects in Ethiopia and Mexico.

The global tree planting drive was inspired by Kenyan environmentalist and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and is meant to counter deforestation from logging and the burning of forests to create farmland. Trees soak up carbon dioxide, the main gas blamed for stoking global warming.

UNEP reported that Ethiopia was the runaway leader, having planted 700 million trees in a national reforestation drive. Mexico was next with 217 million trees, Turkey 150 million, Kenya 100 million, Cuba 96.5 million, Rwanda 50 million, South Korea 43 million, Tunisia 21 million, Morocco 20 million, Myanmar (Burma) 20 million and Brazil 16 million. Indonesia had planned to plant 80 million trees in one day, before the Bali conference.

What surprisingly emerged at the Bali conference is that the “lowly seaweed is a potent weapon versus global warming.” A group of scientists at the Bali conference reported that more efficient cultivation methods of seaweed (and algae) could greatly boost production in nations, with long coastlines, such as the Philippines.

While the lion’s share of attention to carbon sinks has been on forests, the seaweed (algae) scientists say the world should look into the sea, where nearly eight million tons of seaweed and algae are cultivated every year.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1978 reports that “algae,” called the “grass of the sea” “have been estimated to carry on about “90 percent” of all photo-synthetic activity on earth.

In my book Manna from Heaven: Spirulina (microalgae) in the Philippines, 1994, I also had mentioned (on pages 3 to 4) that “throughout the world, algae ac-counts for more than 90 percent of the world’s photo-synthetic activity. This makes algae our planet earth’s richest source of oxygen.”

Spirulina (micro-algae), probably not known to many, is a powerful conservation tool which helps to balance the ecological health of our planet. Besides purifying and giving nourishment to our body in a number of ways, Spirulina also adds to the quality and quantity of the life-sustaining air that we breathe, by returning oxygen to the atmosphere while consuming carbon dioxide as it grows.

One ton of Spirulina consumes 450 kg of carbon and releases 1.2 tons of oxygen while it is growing. A hectare of desert land, or any other non-productive or productive land, can produce 14 tons of Spirulina per year while pulling 6.3 tons of carbon dioxide out of the air and putting back 16.8 tons of oxygen.

The Internet notes that Spirulina is the world’s “healthiest” superfood (wholefood micro-vegetable). The UN World Food Conference in 1974 issued a declaration that Spirulina is the “best food for tomorrow,” considering that only “1 kg” of Spirulina has the equivalent food nutritional value of “1,000 kgs” of assorted vegetables.

Spirulina is produced commercially, through modern aquaculture technology, and is marketed, worldwide, as a food supplement (nutraceutical) in the form of tablet or capsules. In Russia, Spirulina was patented as “medical food” in 1994, as it was found to be effective for radiation poi-soning (sickness) caused by the nuclear plant accident in Chernobyl, in 1986.

(The author is an 82-year old UN retiree with 27 year of service with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and three years with the World Bank as project coordinator in Africa. He is currently the president of Spirulina Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. and dubbed “Father of Spirulina” in the Philippines. He is the author of the book “Manna from Heaven: Spirulina (Microalgae) in the Philippines,” 1994, and a former deputy commissioner, Philippine Fisheries Commission.)

Source: Philstar

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Spirulina a Protein Powerhouse

Spirulina for Mother and Child

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The biologically gifted child

Our so-called “gifted children” comprise only a small percentage of the world’s population. In the Philippines, it is estimated that out of a hundred children, only three to five may be potentially gifted. But why this very low number of gifted versus non-gifted children, and what can we do about it?

In a paper contributed to the ninth annual convention of the Philippine Association for the Gifted (PAG) held recently at the Manila Peninsula Hotel, Makati City, Dr. Domingo Diaz Tapiador, a UN retired senior officer with 27 years of service with the Food and Agriculture Organization (IAO) of the United Nations and three years with the World Bank, claims that with our current modern knowledge of science, health and nutrition, and a good understanding of human reproduction, we can most easily produce a majority of “biologically gifted children,” at least from birth up to the age of two years or more.

Apparently, as of now, Tapiador says that in the Philippines and in many other countries of the world, where malnutrition is so prevalent, we cannot expect a great number of gifted children, not only when they are born but also when they grow up. In fact, until a few years ago, according to a WHO report, we have in the Philippines 4.7 million mental retardates. It has long been known that the main cause of mental retardation is malnutrition and it is irreversible. Recent statistics show that one out of two Filipino schoolchildren and one out of four senior citizens are malnourished.

In her article entitled “Food from Sunlight and Water,” Beth Day Romulo mentions that although the many therapeutic claims about Spirulina, ranging from cancer prevention and improved lactation to control of diabetes and arthritis, seem almost “too good to be true,” Spirulina’s greatest value is “to combat malnutrition.”

Spirulina is a bluegreen microscopic algae produced commercially through modern aquaculture technology and is today the richest and most complete nutritious whole food (micro-vegetable). In fact, the Internet notes that Spirulina is at present the world’s “healthiest” superfood. The UN World Food Conference in 1974 issued a declaration that Spirulina is the “best food for tomorrow,” considering that only one kg of Spirulina has the equivalent food nutritional value of 1,000 kgs of assorted vegetables.

And now, what is the valuable and effective role of Spirulina in producing a biologically gifted child?

The success or failure of the start of a human life will inevitably depend on the environment where the woman’s ovum is fertilized.

Ideally, the prospective mother should already think and plan to have a proper state of health before she conceives, and be concerned about her own health and of her future baby during conception and after the baby’s birth. During her pregnancy, she should have adequate nutrition, not only for herself but also for the developing baby in her womb.

Specifically, she needs 50 percent more protein, than a non-pregnant woman, and Spirulina is the richest whole food source of biological protein (65 to 71 percent). Spirulina can supply practically all her needed nutrients, without gaining unnecessary additional weight. For the nutrition of the embryo and the fetus, Spirulina is ideally rich in calcium for bone development and in glycogen for brain and mental development. Using Spirulina as a nutrition tool before and during pregnancy, the possible outcome would be a biologically gifted baby at birth.

And after birth, the baby could be nurtured to be a potential gifted child through breastfeeding up to two years of age, or beyond. An ideal lactogenic blend of Spirulina-Malunggay (Moringa) has been developed.

Source: Philstar/Lifestyle

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Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

Wonders of Spirulina

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Organization of Human Body

Many people have compared the human body to a machine. Think about some common machines, such as drills and washing machines. Each machine consists of many parts, and each part does a specific job, yet all the parts work together to perform an overall function. The human body is like a machine in all these ways. In fact, it may be the most fantastic machine on Earth.

The human body is organized at different levels, starting with the cell and ending with the entire organism. At each higher level of organization, there is a greater degree of complexity.

The most basic parts of the human body are cells—an amazing 100 trillion of them by the time the average person reaches adulthood! Different types of cells in the human body specialized for a specific job. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in the human body, as they are in all living things. Each cell carries out basic life processes that allow the body to survive.

A tissue is a group of connected cells that have a similar function. There are four basic types of human tissues: epithelial, muscle, nervous, and connective tissues. These four tissue types, make up all the organs of the human body.

Organs are the next level of organization of the human body. An organ is a structure that consists of two or more types of tissues that work together to do the same job. Examples of human organs include the brain, heart, lungs, skin, and kidneys.

Organ System
Human organs are organized into organ system. An organ system is a group of organs that work together to carry out a complex overall function. Each organ of the system does part of the larger job. Although we learn about each organ system as a separate unit, the functions of the body’s organ systems are still connected which means that your body could not function without the cooperation of all of its organ systems. In fact, the failure of even one organ system could lead to severe disability or even death.

The health of every organ in your body is determined by the health of the cells that make up your organ. When the majority of cells that make up any organ in your body are healthy, that organ is likely to be healthy; the converse is true as well – when most of the cells that make up one of your organs are dysfunctional, that organ is likely to be dysfunctional, and this in turn leads to symptoms, which we name disease. Usually, the causes that lead to disease are manifested or established in every cell of your body for some time before symptoms arise. We don’t catch diseases, we make them. In the holistic view, disease occurs at the cellular level.

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Cellular Level Wellness