High Concentration of Essential Minerals


High Concentration of Essential Minerals

Most of us take our bodies for granted, but if you stop to think about it the human body performs amazing acts every day. The millions of tiny cells in your body require essential nutrient to grow, develop and work together in perfect harmony. These essential nutrients found in food are known as minerals. Minerals are inorganic substances, which occur naturally in non-living things such as water, rocks, and soil.

Plants and algae like spirulina absorb the minerals from the earth or from their habitat. Animals get their minerals by eating plants or by eating other animals that eat plants. Any living thing, human or animals, that eats plants or algae absorb the minerals present in that particular diet that they consume. On the other hand, minerals are being absorbed by humans when they eat animals that eat plants or simply by drinking water that contain minerals.

Essential as they are since your body cannot produce or manufacture a single mineral, different minerals are required in different amounts, but they are all important. Minerals are grouped depending on how much they are needed on a daily basis. The minerals that are needed in big amount daily are known as macro-minerals or major minerals. These are :

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • potassium,
  • chloride, and
  • sulfur

The minerals that are needed less and in smaller amounts are known as micro-minerals or trace elements. These are:

  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • copper,
  • iodine,
  • zinc,
  • cobalt,
  • fluoride, and
  • selenium

The difference between “just enough” and “too much” (which can end up harming you) of the Micro-minerals are often tiny. Generally, the food is a safe source of trace minerals. But if you take supplements, it is important to make sure you are not exceeding safe levels.

Minerals are basically the spark plugs of life, or keystones to our health. They are the catalysts that keep our “battery” going and hold its ‘charge.’  Minerals compose about 4% of the human body. Good soil is 45% minerals, yet our soils today are quite lacking due to synthetic fertilizers, mono-cropping and more. Minerals are what remain as ash when plant or animal tissues are burned (approximately 5 pounds from a cremated body). They come from the earth and will eventually return to the earth.

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. No mineral is used in isolation within the body. All minerals interact with other minerals, vitamins, enzymes and so on. It is overly naive to say that “iron builds rich blood” or “calcium makes strong bones.” For instance, copper must also be present for the iron to be used in blood-building. Likewise, a certain amount of phosphorus must also be present along with the calcium to build bones. However, it is also a fact that certain minerals are utilized by the body as nutrient for specific organs more so than other organs. Also, the body uses certain minerals in performing certain body functions. Nonetheless, in studying an individual mineral, keep in mind that it is only a part of a whole complex process.

Aztec Spirulina contains Macro-minerals and Micro-minerals (or Trace Minerals) absorbed from its growth into chelated minerals. Chelated minerals are minerals bound to a chelating agent, which is designed to enhance their absorption and boost your body’s assimilation of the mineral at hand. What is especially interesting about Aztec Spirulina’s mineral content is its richness in Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and Phosphorus.

Read more…

Amazing Collections of Vitamins

Protein Powerhouse

Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

About the author

atlife editor

Wellness is a blessing; most of us are born healthy and may keep it throughout life. But reality is that most people will lose it quickly. The statistics show that by mid-life, most people are in early or advanced stages of worsening diseases. That is exactly why this blog is created. I want to introduce the most complete food on earth, AZtec Spirulina, to maintain or regain Wellness and to avoid disease.