Nutritional Properties of Spirulina


Nutritional Properties of Spirulina

The foods that we eat are the first line of defense against the negative effects of lifestyle, stress, pollution, radiation and toxic chemicals. In his book Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about the importance of eating nutrient-rich foods to maintain healthy weight, avoid or correct chronic and degenerative disease and maximize longevity.  Spirulina is perhaps the most nutritious food source known to humans and has been used all over the world for centuries for both its nutritional density and its medicinal qualities.  NASA has even been quoted to say, “the nutrition in 1 kg of spirulina is equivalent to the nutrition in 1,000 kg of fruits and vegetables”. And in the 1970’s the United Nations hailed spirulina as one of the “Greatest Superfoods on Earth” and the answer to world hunger. 

AZtec Spirulina is the easiest and fastest way to revitalize and supercharging your energy, without paying more. All you need to do is open the bottle or pouch, wobble a few into your mouth, swallow and you are done! Instant enduring energy that fills up your brain and body. Olympic Athletes and NASA astronauts had it in their diet for decades, it’s your turn now.

AZtec Spirulina is a Nutritional goldmine.  Normally when we consider a supplement we take one supplement to replace one nutrient, like Iron for iron, calcium for calcium. AZtec Spirulina is not a separated or isolated supplement.  AZtec Spirulina is not even a supplement, rather 100% food – not an ordinary food, mind you, but an extraordinary food. The task of AZtec Spirulina is to feed the cells of the body with required all natural nutrients. All the nutrients that the body need is all contained in that one capsule of high grade AZtec Spirulina.

Aztec Spirulina is great for everyone, from fitness enthusiasts to athletes, backpackers, career oriented people, students, party goers, senior citizens, teens and kids or even infants. Aztec Spirulina is a source of vitality and life energy, it will light up our life!

Benefits are so amazing that taken on a daily basis could restore and revitalize your health! Adding Aztec Spirulina to your diet will…

  • support your performance and energy level.
  • save money by not needing any other supplement.
  • with only Php12.oo per capsule you get all your daily nutrition needs met.
  • stop beating yourself up for not eating vegies.
  • boost your mental focus and have a healthy mindset.
  • have a guaranteed source of high grade complete protein always.
  • help you stay fit and beautifully healthy: look good and feel good.

It is low-cost and it stores well. It is a great addition to your diet (as well as your disaster kit) so stock up!

  1. Protein: needed for growth and maintenance.
  2. Vitamins: required by the body in small amounts for overall health.
  3. Minerals: needed also in small amounts for maximum health.
  4. Carbohydrates: fuel for the muscle and brain.
  5. Fats/Lipids: cushion for your vital organs.
  6. Phytonutrients: rainbow of nutrient.
  7. Nucleic acids: needed to store and transmit genetic information.
  8. Enzymes: speed up chemical reaction in a cell.

Read more …

Wonders of Spirulina

National Hypertension Awareness

Beware of FAKE Spirulina

About the author

atlife editor

Wellness is a blessing; most of us are born healthy and may keep it throughout life. But reality is that most people will lose it quickly. The statistics show that by mid-life, most people are in early or advanced stages of worsening diseases. That is exactly why this blog is created. I want to introduce the most complete food on earth, AZtec Spirulina, to maintain or regain Wellness and to avoid disease.