Tag Archive Fat-soluble vitamins


Amazing collection of Vitamins

Vitamins do not share a common chemistry, but they do share certain characteristics. They are all nutrients that are necessary in small amounts for normal body functioning and good health. A well-balanced diet should provide most of the vitamins people need to stay healthy and prevent disease.

Unlike carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, vitamins are not sources of energy. Instead, vitamins are involved in the body’s metabolism, cell production, tissue repair, and other vital processes.

Vitamins are either Water Soluble or Fat Soluble 

There are nine watersoluble vitamins. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. The concentration of water soluble vitamins is regulated by the kidney. Any intake in excess of the body’s need is excreted in the urine. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly and are needed for good brain function. These essential nutrients help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy, keeping our bodies running like well-piled machines. They also help form red blood cells. 

Water-soluble vitamins are Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), Vitamin C.

Fat-soluble vitamins that are not used by your body gets deposited in the liver and fatty tissues. They wait around in your body fat until your body needs them. There are four of them fat soluble vitamins. These are: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

I am convinced by the scientific research and by my real-life experience that the only way to get your vitamins is to “let thy food be your medicine.” I do not care what any vitamin company or scientist has to say about laboratory made products, they are just chemicals. The only way to restore your healing energies is from magnificent nutrients that you can obtain only from nature “the way nature intended it”.

When you take vitamin supplements, you are taking risks with mixing and matching isolate and synthetic compounds that fall in the chemical category. You CANNOT sustain life eating multi-vitamins and minerals as supplements.

Furthermore: because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body for long periods, toxic level can build up. This is most likely to happen if you take supplements. It’s very rare to get too much of a vitamin or get overdose just from organic food like AZtec Spirulina.

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